Heritage Status
"Polygon data showing the heritage status of properties which are covered by the Heritage Overlay. Note that the data is a snapshot of all Heritage Overlays in force in 2012.... -
Geological map Ballarat Gold Field, Memoirs No. 14. 1917
"The map represents geological map of Ballarat Gold Field, Memoirs No. 14. 1917. This map is georeferenced by CeRDI (scale 1:25000) using a Thin plate spline (TPS) algorithm... -
VPOs layer: Vegetation Protection Overlays
"This dataset contains polygon features representing overlay controls for the Vegetation Protection Overlays Ballarat planning schemes. Overlays reflect specific characteristics... -
Ballarat Gold Field, Geological Survey, Map 2. 1874.
"The map represents southern Ballarat Gold Field, Geological Survey, 1874.The map is georeferenced by CeRDI, 1:25000 using a projective transformation ( linear rotation and... -
Fire History - Last Burnt
"This layer has been derived from FIRE_HISTORY data and represents the spatial extent of the last fires recorded, primarily on public land. The layer stores details of the last... -
Historic Photographs
"This layer provides gecoded photographs of Ballarat provided by different authors. More Information: Author: Multiple Owner: Multiple" -
Leigh Catchment Group Projects Points
Leigh Catchment Group (LCG office computer QGIS project files and Manifold layers) datasets representing on-ground works facilitated and/or conducted by LCG. This is part of a... -
Leigh Catchment Group Projects Lines
Aggregated CAMS and Leigh Catchment Group (LCG office computer QGIS project files and Manifold layers) datasets representing on-ground works facilitated and/or conducted by LCG.... -
Leigh Catchment Group Blackberry and Gorse Priority Areas
Blackberry and Gorse priority areas for the Leigh Catchment Group. This data was extracted from the DELWP VBA layer. -
Leigh Catchment Group Cropping/Pastures priorities
This dataset has no description
Leigh Catchment Group Projects Polygons
Part 1 (polygon data) datasets representing on-ground works facilitated and/or conducted by LCG. -
Leigh Catchment Group Threatened species priority
Areas of priority for threatened species. -
Leigh Catchment Group Waterway Priority
This dataset has no description
Leigh Catchment Group Remnant vegetation priorities
This layer was derived from Vicmap Tree Density with a few additions and deletions. Confidence level is 50%, requires crowd sourcing from group members. A vegetation... -
Leigh Catchment Group Projects Polygons Manifold
CAMS and Leigh Catchment Group (LCG office computer QGIS project files and Manifold layers) datasets representing on-ground works facilitated and/or conducted by LCG. This is... -
Revegetation Priority (Leigh Catchment Group)
Revegetation priority areas for Leigh Catchment Group. -
Scotsburn fire recovery area priority
Priority area for the Scotsburn fire recovery. -
Leigh Catchment Group Soil improvement priority
Soil improvement priority areas for the Leigh Catchment Group.