Allotments Ballarat East Eureka Street
"Map of Allotments, Ballarat East. Eureka Street. 1A, 2A, 3A. This map is georeferenced by CeRDI using a projective transformation ( linear rotation and translation of... -
Allotments Ballarat East York Street
"Map of Allotments Ballarat East. York Street. Perry, Tait. This map is georeferenced by CeRDI using a projective transformation ( linear rotation and translation of... -
Allotment Ballarat East Rowe Street
"Map of Allotment, Ballarat East. Rowe Street, Junction Hotel. This map is georeferenced by CeRDI using a projective transformation ( linear rotation and translation of... -
Survey of Chinese Gardens, Ballarat East. 1878
"The map represents the survey of Chinese Gardens, Ballarat East 1978. Yarrowee Street and Rice Street. Ah-Kans House. This map is georeferenced by CeRDI (scale 1:25000) using...