DDOs layer: Design Overlays (character areas only)
"This dataset contains polygon features representing overlay controls for Design and Development Overlays Ballarat planning schemes. Overlays reflect specific characteristics of... -
SLO layer: Landscape Protection Overlay
"This dataset contains polygon features representing overlay controls for the Significant Landscape Overlay Ballarat planning schemes. Overlays reflect specific characteristics... -
ESO5 layer: Koala Protection Overlay
"This dataset contains polygon features representing overlay controls for Environmental Significance Overlay Schedule 5 Ballarat planning schemes. Overlays reflect specific... -
ESO3 layer: Potable Water Catchment Overlay
"This dataset contains polygon features representing overlay controls for Environmental Significance Overlay Schedule 3 Ballarat planning schemes. Overlays reflect specific... -
Heritage Status
"Polygon data showing the heritage status of properties which are covered by the Heritage Overlay. Note that the data is a snapshot of all Heritage Overlays in force in 2012.... -
VPOs layer: Vegetation Protection Overlays
"This dataset contains polygon features representing overlay controls for the Vegetation Protection Overlays Ballarat planning schemes. Overlays reflect specific characteristics...