Weather stations
Hourly rainfall, temperature and humidity from Federation University weather stations across Ballarat campuses. -
Air Pressure Observations
This dataset describes observations made of air pressure by sensors distributed in Ballarat.The information was collected in real time by the sensors.The intended use of the... -
Wind Observations
This dataset describes observations made of wind by sensors distributed in Ballarat.The information was collected in real time by the sensors.The intended use of the information... -
Solar Radiation Observations
This dataset describes observations made of solar radiation by sensors distributed in Ballarat.The information was collected in real time by the sensors.The intended use of the... -
Precipitation Observations
This dataset describes observations made of precipitation by sensors distributed in Ballarat.The information was collected in real time by the sensors.The intended use of the... -
Noise Observations
This dataset describes observations made of sound pressure by sensors distributed in Ballarat.The information was collected in real time by the sensors.The intended use of the... -
Humidity Observations
This dataset describes observations made of humidity by sensors distributed in Ballarat.The information was collected in real time by the sensors.The intended use of the... -
Air Temperature Observations
This dataset describes observations made of air temperature by sensors distributed in Ballarat.The information was collected in real time by the sensors.The intended use of the... -
Air Quality Observations
This dataset describes observations made of air quality by sensors distributed in Ballarat.The information was collected in real time by the sensors.The intended use of the...