Ballarat Traffic Counts
Traffic Counts from Ballarat. Attributes include the data collected, Road the count was collected on, Location of the collection counter, Direction of traffic, Days data... -
Ballarat Tables and Seating
Point data for location of tables and seating in Ballarat. Included attributes ID, Site, Location, Feature Type, Centroid Although all due care has been taken to ensure that... -
Ballarat Shared Paths
Shared paths are areas open to the public that are designated for use by both pedestrians and bike riders. EPSG 4326. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these... -
Ballarat Senior Citizen Clubs
Location of Ballarat Senior Citizen Clubs. EPSG 4326 Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no warranty is expressed or implied by the City... -
Ballarat Residential Care and Planned Activity Groups
Location of Residential Care and Planned Activity Groups (PAG) within Ballarat. Data collected from Community Infrastructure Audit 2012. Although all due care has been taken to... -
Ballarat Public Land Trees and Canopy
Tree canopy on public land as of March 2015 within the Ballarat LGA. Mapped manually from March 2015 aerial photography via on screen digitisation. For further information... -
Ballarat Property Build Years
Polygon data with build years of properties within Ballarat to 2005. Data no longer maintained. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no... -
Ballarat Maternal and Child Health Centres
Location of Ballarat Maternal and Child Health Centres. EPSG 4326 Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no warranty is expressed or implied... -
Ballarat Litter Bins
Point data for location of Litter Bins within Ballarat. Attributes include ID, Feature Group, Feature Location, Maintainer, Site, Type and Electoral Ward. Although all due care... -
Ballarat Landscape Character Assessments
Data from the report 'Mapping Ballarat's Historic Landscape' completed in 2013. This data combines the cultural and social values of distinct character areas within the City of... -
Ballarat Kindergartens
Kindergarten programs in the City of Ballarat operate in a variety of management models including Cluster Managed, Council managed, private long day care centres and some... -
Ballarat Indoor Recreation Facilities
Indoor Recreation facilities within Ballarat. Data collected from Community Infrastructure Audit 2012. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are... -
Ballarat Heritage Status
Polygon data showing the heritage status of properties which are covered by the Heritage Overlay. Note that the data is a snapshot of all Heritage Overlays in force in 2012.... -
Ballarat Graffiti Defects
Graffiti defects on Council assets from July 2013 to May 2015. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no warranty is expressed or implied... -
Ballarat Garbage Collection
Polygon data of Garbage Collection Zones for the City of Ballarat. Includes waste and recycling, with date, repeat and interval in ISO8601. Although all due care has been taken... -
Ballarat Education Facilities
Education facilities within Ballarat. Data collected from Community Infrastructure Audit 2012. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no... -
Ballarat Dog Bag Dispensers
Point data for location of Dog Bag Dispensers within the City of Ballarat. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no warranty is expressed... -
Ballarat Cultural Facilities
Cultural facilities within Ballarat including Libraries, Art Galleries, Performing Arts Centres. Data collected from Community Infrastructure Audit 2012. Although all due care... -
Ballarat Council Owned Buildings
Point data for location of council owned buildings in Ballarat. Included attributes ID, Site, Location, Feature Type, Centroid, Extents Although all due care has been taken to... -
Ballarat Council Buildings Accessibility
Ratings on accessibility of buildings for wheelchair users. These ratings are in high demand by certain community groups wanting to choose venues suitable for all their members....