Corner shops
Data and Resources
Corner shops - WMSWMS
An OGC compliant Web Map Service (WMS) endpoint for this resource. To access...
Corner shops - WFSWFS
An OGC compliant Web Feature Service (WFS) endpoint for this resource. To...
Corner shops - GeoJSONGeoJSON
GeoJSON feed by GeoServer WFS service.
Corner shops - ESRI ShapefileSHP
ESRI Shapefile provided by Geoserver WFS service.
Corner shops - CSVCSV
CSV feed provided by GeoServer WFS service.
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | April 5, 2022, 09:20 (AEST) |
Created | April 5, 2022, 09:20 (AEST) |
ANDS RDA Harvest? | true |
CRS | CRS:84 |
Queryable? | Yes |
harvest_object_id | 53d761a8-8058-4411-953e-93403516e901 |
harvest_source_id | 39ed3370-c29d-4209-ba2d-48fa77629e51 |
harvest_source_title | CeRDI CKAN (City of Ballarat) |